
Archive for the ‘Life’ Category


Today Hannah got the surprise of her life when we headed over to GJ’s house after school. She knew we were going there for dinner. What she didn’t know is that she and Hailey were about to receive the best early birthday present ever.

A Treehouse!


My mom and I often marvel over how few details one remembers from childhood. This feels especially ironic now that I am  a mother myself. It seems almost unfathomable that Hannah and Hailey won’t remember much of our daily lives considering the time and attention I give to these moments each day. 

Understanding this, I most often work off of the assumption that cumulatively these everyday happenings have lots of  potential to manifest into something remarkable in these childrens’ souls. In my worst moments, I question my sanity as I obsess over things like organic produce, overdue library books and birthday parties all the while feeling completely unphased by the fact that I’ve done so while wearing pants that have no top button but do have spit up dripping down the leg.

What does this have to do with a treehouse? A lot actually. I’m pretty sure that this is a gift that the girls will always remember. It has captured Hannah at a level that few things ever had. It’s very existence ignites her imagination. She’s dreamed of building one in this very tree for well over a year. To come over one day and find that dream realised sent her leaping! I can hardly wait to see the many adventures that take place in this special spot. 

Thank you GJ!    

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Mother’s Day

I have much to be thankful for this Mother’s Day.

My big girl continues to amaze me with all that she can do. One morning last week she asked that I stay upstairs while she made a morning snack for both of us. When I was invited back down, this is what she’d produced! We enjoyed this small feast while playing a few rounds of Uno.

Littlest has some big ideas of her own. We’re enjoying her so much and can hardly believe that she’ll be a year old in just over a month!

It turns out that Hailey is a stair-climbing, outlet-touching, wood-chewing sort of lady. Thus, the monkey cage. I’m already looking into adolescent-sized gates just in case we need one later.

Happy Mother’s Day.

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April Flowers

We’ve had a full couple of weeks. I intended to write along the way and didn’t. I loathe getting too far behind in anything in life (although I am getting better at accepting this unfortunate reality). Still, I’ve decided that the best way to catch up is to post a handful of my favorite pictures and then call it even.

Hope your weekend is a good one!


Auntie Alison flew out from North Carolina to see us and meet Hailey a couple of weeks back. We went to farmer’s market, ate great food, hiked in La Jolla Canyon (and took pictures of blooming Yucca’s) and played and played…and played! The girls were captured by her – such energy and fun.  We’re so glad she came.


Once Alison left, the girls and I headed to Carlsbad to see my friend Shannon and her family for a few days. The ranunculus were blooming and we spent her birthday morning at the flower fields with the kids.

 There’s something so unique about sharing life alongside girlfriends. Shannon and I met in college. We had the same major, and by senior year all the same classes. We have funny memories involving care packages, Professor Mullen and, well…we will leave it at that. These stories and others do send us laughing, and probably always will. Still, what I’m most thankful for is that fifteen years later I can arrive on her doorstep with my girls in tow and feel entirely at home. What a gift!  


My littlest is getting big! She turned ten months this past week. She’s climbing stairs, flashing toothy grins, eating fancy food and trying really hard to say something other than “da, da, da.”  Hailey has completed us in ways that I never imaged a little person could. I’m so very thankful for Boo.


My Mom’s birthday is this week. In honor of this, she and I stole away for nearly four hours today with our cameras and without children to take part in a Garden Tour around the city.

We had such a great time meandering the grounds and deciding which of the residences we’d like to live in. I selected the one with the cute bird houses and swimming pool and the Pilates studio out back (which I’d change into a guest suite because I absolutely do not like Pilates one bit). My Mom ultimately leaned toward the property on the orchard with beautiful rose gardens and an artist studio (which I’m sure she’d be glad to share with Phil).

Happy Birthday Mom.

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Weekend Recap

Here’s a few pictures (and words) to sum up last weekend.

You know that you’re off to a good start when Friday afternoon finds you welcoming in friends who are passing through (with multiple bags of hand-me-downs for Boo and fresh picked produce from their backyard). Thanks again Eackers!

I heart oatmeal! I eat it almost every day and feel incredibly excited about it…so much so that I find myself photographing my breakfast. Okay, so maybe that last part isn’t true. Actually, I’m collecting pictures for a cookbook I’m making for Krista prior to her departure to Argentina. I’m doing this because I love her and will miss her and want to make sure that I’m never far from her mind when we are thousands of miles apart. So, here’s hoping that organic quick oats mixed with rice milk and topped with fresh fruit and cinnamon will somehow conjure up warm fuzzies of yours truly! 

Finding this waterfall while hiking with….

…these people.

Wildwood Park is a great place, especially in the spring. We traveled there by way of Farmer’s Market (I needed olives for book club), Subway (for our post-hike lunch at a nearby park) and CVS pharmacy (because I left my purse in the garage and therefore had no diapering supplies). Oops. It’s funny how a simple hike can become a bit of a logistical feat when you take all this plus a morning nap (by way of cruise control and the slow lane) into consideration. Regardless, we pulled it off and had a really great morning.

Feeding our baby dairy products (without her throwing them back up). It’s the small victories, I know. This past week I gave Hailey a tablespoon of goat yogurt and then held my breath for the next three hours. Not literally of course. Still, I’m realizing more and more that Hannah’s allergy to cow’s milk has left me a bit gun-shy when it comes to introducing all things white and creamy to Hailey. So far so good.

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Smog Check and Otter Pops

This morning the girls and I had breakfast and then headed out the door before eight to get a smog check for the van. When we arrived at the shop, Hannah settled into a spot where she could watch all of the numbers on the computer as our van wheels spun around. Hailey stayed glued to my hip, still snuggly in her pink kitty cat jammies. As I walked her around the lobby I noticed that Michelle Obama was gracing the cover of Newsweek. The title read, “Feed Your Kids Well.” Interesting, I took note. 

It didn’t take long for the men at the shop to notice my six year-old’s enthusiasm for the numbers on their machines. They thought this was pretty great (which so do I on most days). A few minutes into the test, a very overweight man who I’m guessing was the owner came around from the garage carrying two light pink Otter Pops in his greasy hands. With a huge smile he motioned for Hannah to come over. He asked her if she was behaving as well as it seemed like she was through the glass. She blushed and said that she was. He then stuck out his hand offering her a frozen treat. She gave me a somewhat sheepish glance and then turned back to the man and said, “no thank you.”

Mr. Smog then turned straight to me and started in, “Oh, come on Mom. Can’t she just have a little treat? She’s being so good. I already cut them open.”  I kindly thanked him for his thoughtfulness and then proceeded to tell him that we were indeed going to pass. He then turned toward Hailey and began to offer my 9 month old the plastic encased frozen liquid otherwise known as a treat. I again, thanked him but let him know that she would not be consuming this snack at nine months of age…at 8 o’clock in the morning. Looking somewhat disgusted he corrected me that my nine month old could in fact enjoy such a treat if only her mom would let her. I smiled (and bit my tongue). Dejected, he took his frozen iridescent sticks back to the freezer.

On our way out, this same guy just couldn’t let it rest. He approached Hannah again and said, “Honey, how about I give you a bag of microwave popcorn to go?” Really?  Trying hard not to be rude at this point I stepped forward and explained that Hannah has a dairy allergy and while it was a thoughtful gesture, we were going to pass on all food items being offered today. Instead of leaving well enough alone, he then went on to remind me very loudly that Otter Pops do not have dairy in them. I firmly countered that in our house, we don’t eat Otter Pops at eight o’clock in the morning. I then walked the girls to the car.

I really don’t want this to be a blog post about a rude overweight owner of a smog shop or about the nutritional value (or lack there of) of Otter Pops. It’s just that this interaction struck me on several levels.

First, I can’t tell you how tired I am of my children being offered junk at countless venues for simply behaving as they should. It strikes me that these merchants are slowly and collectively turning our children into Pavlovian dogs who anticipate treats at every turn. If our morning were to say involve grocery shopping, a stop at the Post Office followed by a pick up at the cleaners, Hannah would predictably walk away with one organic sucker, one Dumb Dumb and one pineapple candy with a soft center (that is, if I let her partake at every stop). 

I find myself having to remind Hannah often these days (because of the incessant offerings) that we don’t behave because we want to get a treat, but rather that we behave because that’s what children (and adults) ought to do every day. When we got into the van today, Hannah asked me if she was right in the way she’d answered the man’s question about her good behavior. I assured her that she was in fact correct in her assessment. I went on to say that while it was nice of the man to offer her a treat, an Otter Pop at eight in the morning would have left her feeling pretty crummy (which is true). She seemed to understand. We then went on to laugh just a bit about the notion of Hailey hypothetically accepting the Otter Pop and then single-handidly consuming it while buckled in her carseat on the drive home. It lightened the mood.

I know that most vendors offer such niceties because they love to see the expression of joy brought to the faces of children. I’m also smart enough to understand that these sugar laced treats often provide the merchant and parent the necessary time and space to conduct the business that needs to take place while the child is off enjoying their loot. Still, I’m left to wonder what sort of implications this sort of bartering will ultimately bring about. The health implications seem obvious (Michelle Obama’s recent Newsweek article spells this out in simple terms). Perhaps even more worrisome however, are the subtle additives of entitlement and reward-based behavior that are reinforced with each lick of lollypop.

So what’s a mom to do? Put simply, I’m still working this one through. At times, the decision is clear (Otter Pops + Greasy Hands + 8 a.m. = no-brainer).  At other times, the gestures feel more reasonable and fun (the rare trip to the Post Office where Hannah greets Mr. Max and is then offerred a Dumb Dumb and some coloring pages). I can deal with that. What follows are a few thoughts on parenting, food and more. I’d love to hear others from you.

1. Understanding that often we’ll run into situations where the outside world is offering something that we’re not going to allow our children to accept or participate in, we often find ourselves beginning explanations to our kids or others with “In our house we…” The phrase allows the inconsistency to exist while maintaining an internal Stone standard that works for us.

2. Dessert is the exception rather than an ongoing occurrance in our house. That’s the way it worked in my house growing up and that has served me well in life. The rule in our house is as follows: desserts are available on Friday and Saturday evenings and on special occassions (this last clause allows for the exceptions that life brings).

3. Because dessert is an exception, we enjoy really nice desserts when we have them. Last week we sat down to homemade Apple Strudel (it was Vegan and delicious) and a few weeks back we baked and decorated some really great shortbread cookies. That, in my mind, is a treat. It’s set apart and enjoyed together.

4. I’ve come to accept that by choosing to eat a healthy diet and strongly encouraging our children to do the same that we’re setting ourselves up to be viewed as different and even a bit uptight. As an adult, I could frankly care less. For our girls, however, this difference can feel more pronounced. There’s been more than one occassion when Hannah has been teased at school for bringing snacks that other kids weren’t familiar with (things like tofu). While such episodes will never drive me to send her off to Kindergarten with Ding Dongs tucked in her cooler, I do work to find foods that she feels both confident and excited about.

5. The patterns we set for our kids now will contiue on into adulthood. I’m so grateful for the model my mom provided for me in the area of nutrition. My brother and I were encouraged to be involved in meal planning and learned what a proper meal consisted of. We were also the kids who weren’t allowed to have Coke, potato chips, packaged cookies or sugar cereal. It wasn’t until high school summer camp that I realized just how deprived I’d been. Suddenly I had access to every single sugar cereal imaginable for a solid week! I actually called my mom from camp to tell just how much I’d missed out on for the first 16 years of life. When I arrived home, this wise woman humored me in my new found freedom and offerred to buy my whatever cereal I wanted. I made my way through about half a box of Peanut Butter Captain Crucnch before I began longing to return to my former, less-refined (sugar-wise) ways.

I suppose that’s the direction that we’re heading too. And in today’s terms, that can be a tricky road to travel. For our family (you see, there’s that phrase) we’re trying to celebrate the blessing of food and to steward it in a way that honors the bodies we’ve been given. Food is both necessary and pleasurable. Yet so many of today’s treats are handed out in random venues (i.e. smog shops) and for reasons that don’t always match our own standards. This is not meant to be a judgement, but rather a course our family is choosing. When a third of today’s children are overweight or obese and kids’ mental and emotional health has never been worse off, drastic measures seem appropriate and necessary. One can only hope that small individual household decisions will begin to rub off on the collective whole.

…all this from a simple trip to the Smog Shop!   



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As a child, and really as an adult, being ladylike has never been my strong suit (college roommates can attest to this, although I strongly advise against doing so in this venue). In junior high I was an acolyte from time to time (let’s give a quick shout out to the Lutherans)! Anyway, part of the gig involved wearing a white robe.  In my case the sacred attire covered up the not-so-sacred XL Banana Republic shirts with starched collars, shorts and white high top velcro Reeboks with large bunched up socks.

I can remember my mom in all her graciousness trying to encourage me on the importance of keeping my legs crossed as I held my post as acolyte in the front pew at church. I felt incredibly put out at the time. Somehow it didn’t faze me that the entire congregation filed past me on their way back from the altar at communion. In my mind, there was little room for concern considering that the robe actually covered my entire body. Still, I can distinctly remember my mom walking reverently past me after taking the Lord’s supper with a kind although somewhat flabbergasted look on her face as I sat in junior high defiance – legs uncrossed in my scuffed up shoes. 

 And now, I am a mom of two girls. The first has given me every reason to believe that if our church started to have acolytes, she would definitely want to try this position out and she would seriously entertain the idea of tie dying the robes. And now, here’s a video of our second little lady. Apparently the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree in this household.

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The “Bee Issue”

It was almost time to head to Kindergarten. It was 11:14 to be exact. As I zipped past my desk with little one in tow I caught a quick glance at an unread email titled “Bee Issue.” I quickly clicked on the note and read that there was in fact a bee issue unfolding in the kindergarten classroom and we parents were being informed that we needed to drop our children off in a different location. Okay, simple enough.

I made my way downstairs with Hailey and let Hannah know that we’d be heading to a different area of the campus today because, well, there was a bee issue in her normal territory. She swallowed her last gulp of soy milk and began to probe for more information surrounding the situation at hand. It went something like this:

Q: Mommy, how did you know about the bee issue?

A:  I just read my email and there was a message from school telling me about it

What did the email say exactly?

It said that there was a bee issue in the classroom and that we needed to go to a different classroom for drop-off today

Was it a swarm or just a few?

If it was a swarm, was it a swarm of wasps, or yellow jackets, or Bumble bees or just regular old honeybees?

As we made our way to school, sweet Hannah externally processed every possible angle of this disturbance…

How did the teachers find out that there was a bee issue?

Where were the morning kindergarteners?

What time did the bee issue begin?

How would they take care of the bee issue?

Would there be an open classroom for the afternoon kindergarteners or would they have to share a room with another class?

Would I be able to get her all settled in her new surroundings before leaving today since this was a very unusual start to her day?

Can you vacuum bees up or do you have to spray them?

How could they get into the classroom?

Boy, was she glad that she had a mommy who could tell her about the bee issue so that she’d be ready when she got to school.

How would the morning kindergarten moms know where to get their kids?

Do I think the warm weather caused the bee issue?


It was quite a drive. The questions continued all the way to the classroom. And then they stopped. Hannah’s countenance literally changed before my eyes. She took a deep breath, stood straight and tall and marched confidently into the classroom. There, she proclaimed  in the most casual and playful of terms, “It’s not wacky Wednesday today (a much celebrated day that they had a few weeks back) it’s wacky Tuesday!” All the kids laughed. Then they gathered around to listen to all the juicy details of the bee issue told by their beloved teacher. I kissed her on the forehead and left the building.

As I walked back to the car, I replayed the past half hour in my mind while Boo sucked on my shoulder. I found myself resting somewhere between humored and concerned (and frankly short on words after our extended Q and A). On most days Hannah doesn’t strike me as a worrier. She likes to know what’s coming and certainly asks plenty of questions, but the intensity behind this particular set was notable. Ultimately, I left the parking lot pretty sure that her response must have had more to do with the subject at hand (bees) and her mood of the day (a bit more tired than usual). Enough said (okay, maybe not quite). 

Driving home somewhere between Foothill and Victoria the light came on (and I’m not talking about the traffic light here). What just moments before I’d dismissed as a ridiculous overreaction to a set of off-course pollinators was now coming into clearer view. This episode was ultimately bringing to mind a vivid and not-so-attractive picture of …well, myself. Yep. While my introverted nature keeps me from actually verbalizing such ramblings, this sort of chatter plays out in my mind and heart more than I’d like to admit.  Much more than I’d like to admit.

Topics range from what (other than multi-grain crackers, sweet potatoes and breast milk) I’m going to convince Hailey to eat all the way up to whether or not a certain friend is irritated at me due to my inaccessibility and back down around to topics including what I want to be when I grow up and the countless intricacies involving Phil’s professional dating relationship. Are you tired yet? I know I am. This voice, while part of me, does not in fact have to rule me the way it so often does.

Who knew the personal growth a mere kindergarten bee issue could bring about in a single household. On the parental front, I was reminded that my big girl is still little. She finds courage through unraveling the details of her world and through her mommy’s explanations and mere presence. What a privilege to be able to offer her both. As for myself, I was once again challenged to face a side of myself that too often stays hidden from those outside of my soul. Thankfully, I too have a source through which the incessant chattering can be quieted.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of Godwhich transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7


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Valentines Day in our parts involved the following:

Homemade cards, blueberry pancakes, new pink leggings for Hannah (to replace her beloved summer leggings that were well beyond stain remover), matching days of the week socks for the girls from P and N (I always dreamed of days of the week underwear when I was a kid, so this gift was especially fun to receive), church (three cheers for the cry room), a spontaneous lunch with friends (Subway and Margaritas), Hannah’s inaugural Rollerblade ride (and fall), seventy degree weather, a Peets date with Phil and our shared chocolate croissant (we built a spreadsheet that pleased us both for different reasons) and grilled fish tacos wrapped in homemade tortillas and really great sauce with my mom.   

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For nearly six years I lived in the land of tending to a single child. As with most things in life, caring for an only child has lots of upsides. It also holds a handful of unique challenges that I’ll save for another day. 

To be honest, I found the lack of chaos that just one child brought to suit my Type A tendencies quite well. I would hear friends lament about mounds of laundry and driving off to preschool with their reheated coffee on the top of the car and frankly, I would stand there in both wonderment and relief that my life had not come to that.

It wasn’t judgement as much as it was proverbial head-scratching, really. It seemed to me at the time that if my harried friends would just take the twenty minutes on Sunday evening after their kids were in bed to schedule out their weeks with a bit more discipline, they too could have fresh vegetarian fare on the table at six and laundry folded and put away by Tuesday evening.


On June 18th, 2009 that all changed in the Stone household. I’ve eaten a very large portion of crow which has felt especially disgusting to the girl who loathes ingesting any form of bird. Thankfully as an introvert I only thought all those things…although I know that’s a lousy excuse when it comes right down to it. How a six pound being can catapult you into a state of chaos which somehow feels sweet and horribly irritating all at the same time is still beyond me, but here I stand.

I am now that mom! 

 Since Hailey arrived, I’ve been known to…

Remember that there were darks in the washer four days later (and three days too late to avoid a second wash due to their now musty condition)

Graft hair drying into the rhythm of my Sunday morning routine as something special and set apart from the rest of my week

Leave my inbox smeared across the loft for a week at a time believing that tomorrow I will get to the bottom of it

Pay my older and no longer only child ten cents to clean our toilet bowls that go surprisingly downhill in a relatively short amount of time

Drive around town in a minivan littered with relatively small yet still annoyingly present levels of pistachio shells, random Tupperware lids, sand, weathered canvass shopping bags, leaves, one baby sock and day-old coffee in a travel mug (that I might even take a drink of if push comes to shove)

Go to a well baby check up only to find out that my not-so-well baby is sporting a double ear infection unbeknownst to me

Rationalize that hula-hooping really is a good form of excercise and that it might even be able to take the place of that swim I missed the day before

Unexpectedly find big H to have superb climbing skills by way of a kind and concerned gentleman approaching me with the simple question of whether I was actually okay with her present perch

While you might not believe me at this point, on most days I still find more order than not (I can’t help myself). I’d like to think that Hailey’s arrival on the scene has broadened me a bit. I get it – I get that mom. And her life is surprisingly rich. 


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